Education at Texas A&M
My Resume
Major: Computer Science
Minor: Mathematics
Level: Junior
Graduation: Spring 2022
Engineering Honors Distinction
Cumulative GPA: 3.96
The 12th Unmanned Team at Texas A&M University - http://autodrive.tamu.edu/
This team develops software for an automatically driven car for the SAE Autodrive Challenge
I am developed a user interface to monitor the can-bus system operating the car.
See the product here https://github.com/gcpetri/ROS_gui
Dr. Xiaofeng Qian's Computational Materials Theory - 2018-2019 - http://people.tamu.edu/~feng/
Using the Density Functional Theory (DFT) in VASP software run on super computer clusters, I simulated various loads on material unit cells to understand both software and material concepts such as the elastic modulus matrix of NaCl.
Texas A&M University Engineering Events
See My Github & Devpost for more details about these projects
TamuHACK 2021 - Honerable Mention (see more detailed in Software)
TAGD (Texas Aggie Game Developers) Fall Game Jam 2020 - participant ​​
Created a functional multiplayer FPS with Unity and Photon​ Networking
Aggies Invent : NSA Challenge​​ - participant
Created the [idea of a] Digital Workspace​ for NSA Security Analysts
TamuHACK 2020 - participant
Created a website that ideally could listen to the frequency of running water, identify the source, and approximate the amount of water used​ so as to track water consumption
Relevant Texas A&M University Coursework
Freshman Fall Semester
ENGR 102 H - Engineering Intro (Python) - A
CHEM 101 - Chemistry I - A
MATH 151 - Calculus I - A
Freshman Spring Semester
CHEM 102 - Chemistry II - A
MATH 152 - Calculus II - A
PHYS 206 H - Newtonian Physics Honors - A
Sophomore Fall Semester
MATH 251 - Calculus III -A
MSEN 201 - Fundamentals of Materials Science - A
PHYS 207 - Electricity & Magnetism - A
Sophomore Spring Semester
CSCE 121 - Intro to Computer Programming (C++) - A
CSCE 222 - Discrete Mathematics - A
MATH 304 - Liner Algebra - A
MATH 308 H - Differential Equations Honors - A
Junior Fall Semester
CSCE 211 - Data Structures and Algorithms - A
CSCE 312 - Computer Organization & Architecture - A
CSCE 314 - Programming Languages (Java & Scheme) - A
MATH 439 - Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces - B
Junior Spring Semester
CSCE 411 - Analysis & Design of Algorithms - A
MATH 411 - Math Probability - A
STAT 211 - Intro to Statistics - A
CSCE 313 - Intro to Computer Systems - A
CSCE 315 - Programming Studio - A
Senior Fall Semester
CSCE 420 - Artificial Intelligence - In Progress
CSCE 431 - Software Engineering - In Progress
MATH 470 - Communications & Cryptography - In Progress
