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A few highlights


PIE - Procedure Importer & Extractor

  • Main project of my summer internship with PRIDE Automation

  • Some clients of PRIDE hold millions of procedures, creating giant databases that are hard to transport or modify. PIE allows clients to create archival & active database servers by extracting & importing the appropriate database entries and procedure xml files.


What I Learned

  • Object oriented SQL with Sequelize

  • Large database management, testing, & modification

  • Endpoint testing with Postman

  • Nodejs backend best practices

  • Jade & jQuery frontend best practices


  • SiteMap is a project I took on for ROCK Engineering. They asked me to come back and run the code I created for them again. Since that code was a hard-coded bash script that only a knowledgeable programmer could run, I said I would create them something better. (old code here)

  • First, I created SiteMap-Python. This was logical since they could download the application and run it locally. But Python has many problems and unreliable libraries, so I created SiteMap-Node.

  • SiteMap-Node is a web-based node application that servers a file scraper and kml file creator

  • Checkout the site here:

  • Checkout the development at:

  • And checkout the python version if you dare:


What I Learned

  • How to create an entire functional website by myself

  • How to batch promises in node to not overload the cpu

  • How to use file converters and regular expressions to scrape data from file banks

  • How to create kml files

  • How to set up a hosted server with AWS Lightsail and connect it to a Google Domain


TAMUHack 2021​

  • Honerable Mention for my team's project "AeroCheck"

  • This project was aimed at the American Airlines Challenge - "better the livelihood of their employees and customers"

  • AeroCheck uses mask-recognition to monitor if flight passengers are wearing their masks and rewards them with American Airlines points based on flight duration

  • The AeroCheck app allows flight attendants relax by showing who frequently removes their mask, adjusting time alotted to remove the mask, pause time for snack & drink distribution, and more

  • Check the project out here:

What I Learned

  • Android app development in Android Studio using Flutter and Dart

  • Figma GUI design best practices

  • How to work with a team that I did not previously know at all

Group Movie


What I learned

  • TCP/HTTP routing and fetching requests

  • Express and Node framework

  • Web Sockets ( and proper configuration 

  • AWS services: RDS, Elastic Beanstalk, Lambdas, API Gateway

  • API requests (nested javascript promises)



Duel Voltage

What I learned

  • How to work in the Unity Editor

  • Make characters move and interact with the environment

  • 3D Modeling in Blender

  • Multi-player networking with Photon

  • Image editing with GIMP


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